Friday, September 21, 2007

Cousins are for funerals

What are cousins for, I asked just a few days ago?

I found out one reason sooner than anyone expected. My cousin Ernie Stoltzfus died this week. His funeral was today in York, Pa. I went with Milton. Those are Milton's hands. To the right is Richard Sensenig, the oldest of the 45 Lehman cousins. He is 74 and Ernie, not quite the youngest, was to be 47 in less than a year.

Cousins are for funerals, was the implied answer to the question. Just one of the reasons. But they do pull together.

Ernie just died because of a heart defect no one had ever known. It was touching to see the grief of a wife and son and other close family so rudely shocked.

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