Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Final curtain for lambs

The lambs graduated Monday. Here Moe tries to climb the Smokehouse apple tree in the orchard. Is he telling me he's ready to move on? They boarded a shiney aluminum cattle trailer behind a new Mack truck.
Now I have to muck out the shed, put away the fence extension, give away the sheep feed that was left, and spread out the hay.
As much as I anthropomorphized Meeney, Miney, and Moe, I should examine what I was projecting.
I notice that often I attributed to them negative motives--getting a cheap break on feed, looking for an easy escape, etc. It occurs to me that I was just using them for an easy laugh.
The exact opposite could have been the case. Baaing might be telling me not to feed them, that I gave them too much already and gave them a tummy ache. Constant pushing at the fence might have been hints to tighten up security.
Anyway, they were good guys. I got a lot from them. Apologies to anyone who was disturbed by their baaing. They deserve a new, happy chapter in their lives.

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