Saturday, September 8, 2007

Objets d'birthday

When I look at this picture, I think of the French "objet d'art," which means an art object.

Dorcas is the perfect objet d'art here. The location is the Mascot "park," along the Mill Stream. We went there along with Joel for desert after her birthday supper on September 5.

I'm handing her a piece of her birthday cake, a work of culinary art so complex and multi-layered I'm at a loss to describe it. Did it have a hint of peanut butter in the lowest layer? we asked. Or was that a hint of something else? Family heirloon fanatics will notice the plate is pure Miller, second set. The bottle on the picnic table is Italian Pergalozzi--fizzy water, not wine. Beside it is the red chunks of watermellon, ripe to perfection.

In the beer can holder to Dorcas's left is some decaf in her favorite bone china rose cup. On the bench are three gifts--two books, one of the history of Mennonites in New York City, where we met. One gift is our wedding service of 28-plus years ago transferred from the original cassette of the PA system of Maple Glen church to brand new compact disc--professionally enhanced as it was transferred.

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