Tuesday, December 7, 2010

saffron harvest calculated

Here's the saffron harvest this fall, dried and settled. Green in background is about one third of the saffron bed. The harvest was taken to a local lab and precisely weighed. Total harvest is 2.68019 grams. Average weight of one single thread is 1.78 milligrams. Stay with me. Saffron is retailed by the grain. There are 15.43 grains per gram. There are 28.3 grams per ounce. At my local grocery saffron retails at $2.29 for 3 grains, or $0.76 per grain. So my total harvest would retail for $31.43.

Let's say I want to make some real money and plant a whole acre in saffron. My saffron plot is 6 steps wide and 2 steps deep, or 4 feet by 12.5 feet, or 50 square feet. An acre equals 43,560 sq. ft., or 871.2 of my little plots equal an acre. So at one acre, my harvest would retail at $27,381.82. This is huge correction from first figure.

In that jar holding my harvest are approx. 1,500 threads or the harvest of 500 flowers. I'm not quitting my day job right away, although saffron is considered the most expensive spice in the store.

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