Thursday, December 9, 2010

my poor math

Maybe it's my sloppy math. But in the saffron post I had my plot of 4 feet by 12.5 feet equalling 200 square feet. Not, obviously. Fifty square feet. So, divide 50 sq ft into the 43,560 sq ft in an acre and you see that it would take 871.2 of my saffron beds to equal an acre. Hence, if my little plot is worth $31.43 retail, an acre of my plots, all 871.2 earning at the same rate, would be worth--get this--$27,381.82.
But before I buy that chalet in Switzerland, a tiny detail: I think I put about 1.5 hours into my little harvest. 1.5 times 871.2 comes out to 1,306.8 hours. And those hours have to be concentrated in the space of about two weeks or 14 days. Ninety-three hours per day, rain or shine. Okay, get 10 persons willing to bend over for 14 9.3-hour days in a row for $10/hour.
You see where this goes. It is not capital that creates jobs (labor), much as the right wants you to believe. It is labor (jobs) that creates capital. The two, actually, have to cooperate.
Well, back to work. And a big thanks to two sharp readers who caught my wrong math.

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