Sunday, April 25, 2010

short Grantsville get-away

To see Esther as her health was declining, we drove to Grantsville Friday evening. Turns out, Saturday was her last full day on earth. It was overcast and Guy's Tires seemed to be telling me the truth about things as I went to get her last vial of morphine. The hitching post sign, across the alley, was putting on a cheerier face but seemed conflicted with its digital communication dishes gawking at the buggy and getting messages from the sky.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

local locale

Milton had read that Linglestown had some local color so we had lunch there, about ten miles north of Hershey, on Monday. At its founding in 1765 it was named St. Thomas. The tuna salad sandwiches here were good, but the small village was disrupted by road crews ripping up the main street. The town was laid out with a wide central area.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

supper note

Being off-property playing gentleman farmer, I couldn't make supper as I usually do Monday through Thursday. But I could prep it most of the way. The table setting and vase, the salad, the yogurt and berries, the left-over maple syrup carrots--all good to go. The frying pan with diced potatoes and the marinating chicken in the frig need an explanation. A little media mixing and here's what I jotted as I ran out the door. Dorcas understood.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

garden prep

I rototilled the garden and the squash triangle across the road yesterday evening at 5:00. As usual, I rented Groffie's tractor, which this year turned out to be a new one. Kubota was founded in Osaka, Japan, in 1890. Revenues in 2008 were 12.6 billion.