Friday, February 19, 2010

sap flows

First you feel it in your bones, that feeling that winter is on the way out. Then you look for days warming up to the 40s and nights still going down in the 20s. I reflect on the traditions this brings together--Ivan and Della making a business of it, my dad with the land and the set of bits. I choose the 7/16 inch, the one sticking out closest to camera. Into that hole will go the spout.All of this is to no avail unless you grin and bear the cold and get going. I'm early this year. I look up to locate the hole under a large bough. The sap didn't flow before I got the bucket on the hook. My hands were getting stiff by then. Finally, on the last shot, I got a drip falling into the pail.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

the day after: digging out

West Eby kids had school today. One father returns from pulling the sled with his two children, and notices the milk truck stuck. When it finally makes it to our house it gets stuck again and a tractor pulls it away finally. It's almost 3 p.m. and our road is not yet opened to the west of us.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

blizzard rages

Early afternoon the drifting is supposed to overtake the effect of the falling snow. The bird feeder is already slightly below the level of the snow. So I dig a trench around it and place a piece of plywood to shelter these imperiled two-ounce birds. Notice the one on the feeder and the one in the trench. Four times or more today I've dug the walk between the house and the barn.

Monday, February 8, 2010

having gotten out

Having gotten out, I saw neighbors who had used a horse and sleigh to get out. And to get around.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

getting out

First it was my own snow shovel and sweat; and I backed the Outback through a narrow canyon. Okay, canyon's a little exaggerated. Then Aaron widened the end of the driveway with the plow rigged onto his front loader. While he's at work, along comes the township with its tractor to open Red Lane. The Protege will just have to wait another day.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

snowplow scares horse

This neighbor's horse shied away from the township snowplow and got stuck in the ditch. Makes a nice neighborhood story when Montereyans converge and save horse, buggy and passengers. The plow driver even finally got involved when they pulled the buggy out of the ditch.

the snow job

Look out my door and see the path to the office already drifting shut. Look to the left and see a shrub squared off with the snow. Look to the right and see swirls between the bushes. Sarah and I had had an appointment today in Haddonfield, N. J., for the harp's annual regulation. I'm enjoying shades of white.

Monday, February 1, 2010

ice sport

On the way home from church yesterday I saw these kids on a farm pond close to the local high school campus. One of its "fields" is visible in background. I personally prefer field in the foreground. The puck is an empty plastic gallon iced tea jug. Free and injury-free and easy to see and easy to hear. I like that the game is entirely kid-run. Assorted ages. Start and quit when you feel like it. I don't see any helicopter (over-involved, in your face) parents or red-faced, scowling umpires.