Friday, February 19, 2010

sap flows

First you feel it in your bones, that feeling that winter is on the way out. Then you look for days warming up to the 40s and nights still going down in the 20s. I reflect on the traditions this brings together--Ivan and Della making a business of it, my dad with the land and the set of bits. I choose the 7/16 inch, the one sticking out closest to camera. Into that hole will go the spout.All of this is to no avail unless you grin and bear the cold and get going. I'm early this year. I look up to locate the hole under a large bough. The sap didn't flow before I got the bucket on the hook. My hands were getting stiff by then. Finally, on the last shot, I got a drip falling into the pail.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Great picture, Glenn!!!
