Monday, June 30, 2008
when I'm 64

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
more cherries
Here's some of the Lehman gang picking. L to R--Anna Lois, Helen, Milton, Evie, and Lois.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
cherry picking
Thursday, June 19, 2008
family restaurant
Upstairs are about six rooms for lodging and the offices for the motel which has about 40 rooms.
You'll also find a bakery and a gift shop. Friday through Tuesday this'll be our home.
off the grid for a week
A storm took us out. Amazon orders I had to ship backed up. Who knows what online bills did not get paid.
The sage said, Teach me to care but not to care too much. I'll make that--give me online service but not get hooked on it.
Monday, June 9, 2008
the meetinghouse
Saturday, Rachel's memorial service was held in this Quaker meetinghouse in New York on Rutherford Place beside Styvesant Park.
As a child we chanted the rhyme: Quaker meeting has begun, no more laughing no more fun.
The space seems somber, but somehow lighter than earth. It especially appeals to me esthetically when it is empty of people. It's a light collector.
Dorcas gave the major eulogy. Brother Mel was there; we sang "Gott ist die Liebe" in a small choral ensemble. Monroe gave a profound tribute and benediction.
more landscape
Sunday, June 8, 2008
More than corn and hay is sprouting up from the fields around Monterey. A new spurt of building is going on. Go through the village square and a mile east on East Eby you'll see this chicken house.
I'm assuming that's what it is. The kind for fertilized eggs for vaccine production.