Sunday, May 11, 2008

Maryland pick up

"Attacks and counterattacks swept across Miller's cornfield and fighting swirled around the Dunker Church." That's a sentence from wikipedia's entry on Antietam, which was the bloodiest battle in the Civil War, it adds. Antietam is close to this MacDonalds in Maryland. Twenty-three thousand soldiers were killed here on Sept. 17, 1862. And they weren't shoving in line to get a hamburger.
This is exit 9A of Interstate 70, just east of the 81/70 intersection close to Hagerstown.
One single death brought me here last Monday--Rachel's. I came here to pick up Evelyn Brown, a retired colleague of the Yoders in the work at Seventh Avenue Mennonite Church. She had come from Charleston, S.C.
The Maryland state flag salutes the power of the mega-hamburger joint. We're all looking for some authentication, I guess.

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