Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas light contest

And the winner of the Monterey Christmas light contest is...

Our neighbors, next house east on West Eby.

Competition was practically nil. Amish refused to participate.

third and fourth generations

Eighteen family members crowded into the Monterey house Sunday, December 23. Of the family of Lester and Elva, that's the whole bunch, except Mel and Patrick.

Late in the afternoon, the entire and third and fourth generations were there and the shop light gave this image of them. Standing: Bonnie, Chris, Joel, Stephanie, Sarah, Ryan; front, Helen, Manny, Angela, and lights girl Emily.

Wow. Great bunch! If Lester and Elva could see them now!

lights, action, Emily

You get the family together for Christmas. You got three generations from three states. Plenty of action. But, lights, please, for the historic pic.
Emily knows what to do. A picture of taking a picture. This so good maybe we'd do best just to imagine what the light's pointed at.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New light in time for solstice

In time for the shortest day, the winter solstice, a new light started to shine between the driveway and the house. On this frosty day baby icicles hung all four sides.

With this being December 13, there are only 7 more days until the shortest day. One father with two small children told me that he loves this time of year. It's dark when the kids go to bed and dark when they get up. Somehow that makes it easier.

The lamp was made in Hanover, Pa. It sits on a cedar post. The electric wire goes up a hole in the center the length of the post. I'd like to know how to drill such a long hole.

This is really outside light four. My parents had an electrician put up the high light at the corner of the house. Joel and I made that into a double light about 1997. When we put in the office at about the same time, we installed a light outside the office door. I forget when we put a light at the back door. It could have been in preparation for Sarah's graduation party.

Candlelight and zither

The first days of December the 1719 Herr House candlelight tours asked me to present one of the demos, on the Ausbund and early music

So, grim to survive the 40-degree upstairs temperature, I got the costume from the attic and the zither from the Harmonies office.

A healthy dose of the gift of gab, and a repetoire of one song (Silent Night), some research on the 1804 Mennonite hymnal's Christmas section and I was good to go for four hours--8-minute demo, 8-minute break while another person talked about the Martyr's Mirror, and on again.

Then people really sang with gusto one verse of Joy to the World, which was first published the year the Herr House was built.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

first freeze

The first snow at Monterey this fall. Our uncarved pumpkin doesn't have much more time as an attractive vegetable.

But i'ts holding out against the 19 degrees along with the mums, trying to soak up the sun.

Last evening I drove back from Souderton, arriving home minutes after 10 p.m. It always amazes me--that driving 50 mph doesn't take much longer than 60 mph.

45 and 50 was the best the traffic could do on the turnpike and 202 and 30. When I turned off on Monterey Road creeping was the only sane speed. I understand why school's on 2-hour delay. I'm glad they didn't cancel.