Monday, August 27, 2007

Rat in the cellar

I post this reluctantly...hopping many are out of town for an end of summer vacation. Several week ago I called our pest company and asked them to analyse a hole in the cellar, freshly dug, right next to the cnetures-old stone wall.
After two service calls, they determined that it was a rat hole and two deadly traps were set. It seems that the outside cellar doors had been left open overnight and a wandering rodent checked us out.
Now there are two possibilities--that our investigation, our plugging up the hole, our placing of traps at two places, has scared the rodent away; or, that the critter is lying low, waiting for the dust to settle. In either case, we've got it covered. Well, I'm not letting the dust settle. We're doing a full-court press. The outside door is being closed. And all manner of things will be well, as the saint said--not for the rat but for us.
That's organic peanut butter as bait on the trap.

1 comment:

Lois Ann said...

Thanks for telling me about your blog. I agree that blogging is definitely up your alley and am glad to see that you are defiantly going up it! It'll be on my daily blog-checking list.

It would have been great to see all of you in Lancaster a couple of nights ago. We were only there for about an hour and had to leave to go to Massachusetts for the night, so it was a rather short stay. Maybe next time!