Tuesday, the last day of July, a motorcyclist was killed in Monterey when a car driving in the lane beside him changed lanes and collided with the motorcycle. In minutes traffic was shut down, the people of the village assembled at a respectful distance from the accident and the emergency responders. We passed around information: who was killed, who knew him, why did the car turn, was anyone hurt in the car which swerved in front of the cycle in order to cross the road and stop at the roadside stand where a young girl was selling sweet corn.
The pic is small, but on the sign at the left is "Monterey harness shop" and one can see cows dumbly grazing while humans do the hard work of absorbing the information, accepting the tragedy, caring for the wounded, and taking away the corpse.
Joel and I rode our bikes to the scene after he heard about it on the scanner

. He shot a few pics.
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