Wednesday, December 5, 2012

off to early family Christmas

The family got to Harrisburg in plenty of time for the Delta flight to Detroit to catch the plane to Moline, Iowa, where Ryan's family will gather.  Leah's second Christmas, but the first one she can walk around for.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

another food shot

We got the turkey that was not pardonned, physically.  But I know that spiritually, being an organic bird, it left in a redeemed state.  And we ate it, after this hours-long roasting, in a joy of gratitude state.  Maybe a little stuffed, but backed off the calories the next day.

Speaking of stuffed, this year we did the stuffing all outside the--ooh, the word--cavity.  Yes.  Inside roasted lemon and some herbs.  To the delight of all non-veggies.  And this year the thermometer ruled.  One-sixty-five and it was done and sat for a half hour.  I carved it in the kitchen and platters were sent around the table of eleven.