Friday, November 16, 2012

an amish moment

Tuesday, our neighbor's daughter got married in the farmhouse.  The week before, her mother offered to send out a serving of supper if we liked.  Yes, we like!

It came in colorful styrofoam cups and pint containers.  From the point of the napkin:  lemon chiffon pie, fruit salad, salad and dressing behind, small filled doughnut, apricot-toned fluffy tapioca.  On the plate:  ham with a great sauce, baked corn, boiled potatoes smothered in browned butter, and the salad.

They will get a big thank-you, and the couple a congratulations!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

a Monterey moment

Saturday, November 10, 2012, was the day the most defining building in Monterey was put on the auction block. That building is what has recently been known as Diane's Deli and, when I was young, Hartman's Store. "Store" because besides groceries, one could get hardware, thread, and most items in between. I believe I started working there in 1957--a few evenings and Saturday. Pay was 35 cents an hour (my parents got two-thirds) plus a bonus of one candy bar or bottle of soft drink. Hen Hartman was the proprietor along with his mother, Ma Hartman, and two children, Ken and Gwen, not twins, despite their names. Ken, middle in photo, was two years younger than me. The man on left told me that he is the oldest man living in Monterey. With all my memories of childhood, I figured the sale would start at 200 thousand and go up. Actually, the auctioneer started at 200 and had to go down to 50 until he got a bid. Bidding stopped at 140, but the sellers would not accept that. Porch extends the whole length of the building.  At other end is the store.  Photo by Dennis Yates.