Saturday, January 21, 2012

wood--split and sawed

Here's a pile of wood Ryan and I split. The front porch got a new roof yesterday of sawed cedar shingles. The shingles we removed had been on the roof for over 60 years. These news ones should last just as long. By then, the tree cut to make them will have been replaced. That's green in my book.

Monday, January 16, 2012

black walnut cake

Dorcas made a two-layer black walnut cake on Saturday. Black walnut is native to North America; the tree produces fine hard wood for furniture and the shells are one of the hardest natural substances.

Friday, January 13, 2012

stamps from Canada

Ah, the glory days of postage and stamps, exuding a whiff of adventure!

Canada still gets it right. We bought a calendar and it came with these stamps. That big one is 2-1/2 by 1-7/8 inches. I like bilingual--French and English. I guess "Canada" is the same in both. What? Did they miss translating moose? I google translated and, yes--"original." The plural of moose? Not meese. Little Switzerland crams three languages on each stamp. Looks like the bottom three are not canceled.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

building in winter

Monterey, even in the middle of winter, has two buildings under construction. That will bring the total from about 50 to 52. One is across Spring Road from the "natural produce" stand (see the sign). It is at the northwest tip of the village, right before the "goat path." The other, a house, is at the southeast edge of town on Stumptown Road. If you are tired of staring at your screen, don't rush here for a job. Both sites are strictly union--Amish union, that is.