Friday, June 11, 2010

evacuation, the fourth

The deportation program is up and running again today. At 9 a.m. we got the big enchilada, the huge groundhog mom who would stand on the rock pile and guard the four pups while they browsed. Finally, an apple slice she couldn't resist. She bared her teeth at me. Lunged at the corners of the cage. Laid on her back and tried to chew out. I was half scared for a few moments. In her eyes shame, remorse, regret, but not resignation. At Mascot she was still fighting when I pulled up the trap door an inch and she pushed it far enough to get out and leap into the Mill Stream and paddle away. She'll find the other guys. Now, the runt of the bunch remains to catch. It was watching some of mom's ordeal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you and Homer Geib could trade some good stories!