Thursday, May 27, 2010

calf moves into pasture

The neighbor brought a calf to live in our pasture for a while. It does not have a cute pet name or anything. I'm trying to keep my emotional distance so it does not bawl for food every time I go near. The neighbor does everything. I get the pleasure of seeing it and the benefit of keeping the meadow grazed.

Above its head the sour cherries get red and ripe.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ascension Day

Pulled over at my favorite Amish roadside stand today. A scrawled sign said: closed due to Ascension Day. Ouch! I forgot it this year. I like something about Ascension Day. You have to have it to finish the story of Jesus on earth, right? Jesus didn’t die for long; he came back and went to heaven. So if I say Jesus is in my heart…. Okay, I won’t quibble with words, but I prefer the objective Bible story telling us facts instead of metaphor.

Also, five dollars that no one can find a praise and worship song that does what Chas. Wesley does in “Hail the day that sees him rise, to his throne above the skies, Christ, awhile to mortals giv’n, enters now his native heav’n.” (1969 Menno Hymnal #185). And “high and lifted up” does not count.

Anyway, I’ll get those strawberries tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

more funeral pics

Here are more photos of the funeral:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

sympathy at home

After the funeral you come home. We got the two days of mail and felt supported by the notes of sympathy from work and church and Sunday school and the flowers.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

the grave

A funeral ends at the grave. Then you fellowship with food. This was Wednesday.