Thursday, August 27, 2009

potato harvest

Ah, one of the sweet moments of home gardening. Dumping all your potatoes out like candy from trick-or-treating. Seeing the loot. I put 10 pounds of potato seed in the ground and I got back 125 pounds. That's better than a twelve fold increase. The first basket gets the biggest ones, and on down to the last basket of midgets. This year more green ones than usual: I couldn't hoe up the rows as high as I usually do because they had been planted too close.

Monday, August 24, 2009

invasion of the mushrooms

The huge, 10-inch umbrella mushroom giganticus faded away. Wide didn't work. Let's try pencil-thin. If the soup is over that-a way, let's take a walk this-a way.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Montreal vacation

A selection of our Aug. 9 through Aug. 13 vacation in old Montréal.

Monday, August 17, 2009

portabella, step aside

This has got to be genus mushroomus species giganticus. It makes a portabella look puny. This bad boy popped up in the shade of a bush in a flower bed. Ryan found it. It's got a young'un already. I'm not taking chances.

Friday, August 7, 2009

stimulus at work

Right here in little Monterey we see some economic stimulus at work. Down comes this lathe and plaster house of (let me guess) 1890. Behind it a new structure is up already. I'm calling this Amish urban planning.

wheels--open air

An open buggy (not shown here), once the standard courting vehicle, is now considered conservative or old school. Two-wheelers are relatively new on the scene in Monterey.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

small wheels

Here are two more. Speed blurs.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

wheels of Monterey skinny

Sit on the front porch for two hours and see lots of wheels. No commentary. Just two pics. Buggy wheels are skinny. Scooter wheels are whatever.