Friday, July 31, 2009

fungus or fugit

Okay, back from giving a blood sample for my annual. First stab was a miss. "I'll get Marilyn." She found a vein. Was not an RN but a phlebotomist, she perkily said. I recall that Mozart and Washington died of blood letting.

So you think big thoughts getting a needle. All is connected, right? The butterfly wing in Peru causes a storm in Russia. Her hands are conduits of the Healing Force of Life. I'm sure I felt something.

Then, on walking from the car to my door, I see this thing. I'm totally ignorant. I can remember from today's front page who drank what at the White House suds summit. But I don't know if this thing is fungus, mold, mildew, mushroom, or yeast. Is it a plant? Do I share life with it? I know it's not fugit. That's from Latin tempus fugit, for time flies. I just had to have a title.

Try me--Obama, Bud Lite (sounds contrived, like he's trying to be just one of the guys); the cop, moon dog (?), blue something (?); the prof, Sam Adams, Biden, non-alcoholic.

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