Friday, July 31, 2009

fungus or fugit

Okay, back from giving a blood sample for my annual. First stab was a miss. "I'll get Marilyn." She found a vein. Was not an RN but a phlebotomist, she perkily said. I recall that Mozart and Washington died of blood letting.

So you think big thoughts getting a needle. All is connected, right? The butterfly wing in Peru causes a storm in Russia. Her hands are conduits of the Healing Force of Life. I'm sure I felt something.

Then, on walking from the car to my door, I see this thing. I'm totally ignorant. I can remember from today's front page who drank what at the White House suds summit. But I don't know if this thing is fungus, mold, mildew, mushroom, or yeast. Is it a plant? Do I share life with it? I know it's not fugit. That's from Latin tempus fugit, for time flies. I just had to have a title.

Try me--Obama, Bud Lite (sounds contrived, like he's trying to be just one of the guys); the cop, moon dog (?), blue something (?); the prof, Sam Adams, Biden, non-alcoholic.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Today we helped Joel and Stephanie move to the house they bought.

Friday, July 17, 2009

summer lilies

Walk from our house to the car and you will pass these huge displays.

more wheels

Two hay wagons. Why no hay on them? Farmers share wagons sometimes. They're being taken from one farm to another farm.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

wheels of Monterey, wide

Today steamroller wheels came to smooth out new gravel spread on the Miller lane. Behind this roller is the schoolhouse yard where we saw tiny mower wheels last week.

Monday, July 13, 2009

birthday meal

There was salmon grilled on a cedar plank and cake with raspberry syrup. Mostly, there was a happy young woman. (pics by Joel)

Sarah turns 28

Friday, Sarah turned 28. We threw a party. She spun the left-over July 4th sparkler. Ryan and Dorcas walked the dog. (pics by Joel)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

sanding 337

Several hours I've been helping Joel and Steph prep 337 N. Mary for moving in. Everything is about sanding and painting. I'll let you guess what's what. Wearing same shirt was not planned.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

friend visits

Ken Reed, a high school and college friend from the 1960s was in the area signing his new novel, He Flew Too High. I met him in Morgantown and we went to St. Peters Village to catch up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

pews delivered

As I had camera in hand to shoot the clematis, the pew wagon rumbled by. I waved to the driver and snapped this when he was past. Inside this wagon are the benches and hymnals for church. Meetings rotate among the families.

evening light

After sipping decaf on the porch, I notice the clematis on the twine soaking up evening sun. Do I know the names of flowers around the house? Hardly. This one stuck, somehow. The dictionary says a vine of the buttercup family. camera on tripod

Monday, July 6, 2009

number's fun

This Wednesday the time/date figuration will reach this stunning, once-a-century read-out, for a precious one-hundredth of a second: 12:34:56 7/8/9. Let's thank the Arabs for our numbers. Try doing that with the Roman system.... Okay, I'll try: XII:XXXIV:LVI VII/VIII/IX. Nyah, let's stick with the arabics.

Friday, July 3, 2009

small wheels of Monterey

You can't see Pop with the weed whacker, but here is son on the tiny wheels, mowing the schoolhouse yard. If industrialized society had twice as many big horses and half as many 18-wheelers....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

garden revolution

July 1 is when I can lose interest and let weeds take over. I'm not quitting on these guys yet.

Foreground, peas ready for the second picking. Then potatoes, having lost their flowers last week. The corn has just put out its silk. There's the Swiss chard and tomatoes with yellow buds.

My lame-brain theory of the day. What Yankee gardener in 1776 would pick July 4 for a revolution? The ones who wanted out of garden chores? Or, the ones who couldn't stand to have red coats taking what they wanted. It was a pea-pickin' revolution.