Monday, January 12, 2009

not fighting commies in 59

Not fighting but inviting. In the depth of the Cold War, this was pretty bold. This comes from the back page of today's New Era, a newspaper in Lancaster, Pa. Maurice was my uncle. The image at right is generic online to represent the era.

50 years ago...

CHURCH INVITE: Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan of the Soviet Union declined an invitation to attend services at the Chestnut Street Mennonite Church in Lancaster. The Soviet embassy said Mikoyan, who was visiting Washington, D.C., was simply too busy to accept the invitation, which had been issued by the Rev. Maurice Lehman, a former pastor of the church. “I believe Mikoyan should be given an opportunity to learn that Christianity is the answer to man’s needs, rather than Communism,” Lehman said. (Jan. 14 and 15, 1959)

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