Saturday, March 1, 2008

under the kitchen sink

Okay, let' s see now. This one is for cold water. That one for hot.

Lying on my back, head under the sink, I see light through holes where the sun don't usually shine. I opened the hole far left to add a spray hose. Camera all manual, except the focus. Shadow thrown by the shop light.

The last time a faucet was installed, solid copper pipes led from these couplers to the faucet. Now, flexible hoses are used.

Let's see. We invented plumbing. Maybe we are the best civilization.

When I walked into this room for the first time in 1951, holding the hand of my mother, eyes all agog, I saw a free standing sink at this same place. In the spring I discovered the sink drained straight through the wall and into lawn. Why not re-use the water, I guess.

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