Saturday, September 24, 2022

 Is blogging for me?  We'll see.

Going back in the blog archive to October 9, 2014, I noted the sweet potato harvest that fall eight years ago, by the renter that year of my small field across the road, one Amos M.  This year Amos and Fannie S. rent. They planted the whole acre in squash--delicatas, acorns, and butternuts (in photo above).  They line them up shoulder to shoulder, all the easier to pack into crates.  The crates are stored in their basement, and sold off in lots over the fall and winter.

Why did the blogging stop? The blogs petered out with two perfunctory notes in 2015. One in 2018 and one in 2020.  The genesis for that last one, I guess, was ennui--the pandemic isolation was getting to me and I was reaching, I guess, for delight in the past--in that case a vacation in Montreal in 2009.

Is blogging for me?  Is it a thing, even? Maybe.

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