Thursday, August 30, 2018

Going to France again, after 52 years

Enough about Monterey for a while.  Leaving Sept. 3, Dorcas and I will travel to France for ten days.  In a half century, this is a first for me.  Put another way--it was 52 years ago, almost to the day (it was August 15, 1966), that I flew from New York to Brussels.  The flight was on a Boeing 707, the biggest passenger jet at that time.  The airline was Sabena, Belgium's airline.  That flight was the launch of three years overseas with Mennonite Central Committee.

So, in fifty years it is a first.  In my life it is the second time I fly east over the Atlantic Ocean.  Here's what that day before looked like at Monterey, getting photos of the family and me on Sunday after church, before I left the next day, Monday the 15th.  House in background is neighbor's, since razed.  I stand beside my mother and father, bending my knees, I guess, to say I'm still their son, not taller than them.

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