Saturday, April 29, 2023

Tribute to Cousin

My cousin, Lois Greene, and I met at the
Leola Elementary School where 72 years
earlier she rescured me when I missed
the bus after my first day there. I probably
had not said thank you, so I wrote the
poem on the left.

The Smart Daughter

For Lois on her birthday, Apr 2023

The smart Martin daughter

Got up early and bright,

gulped down some fresh milk,

Yep, chores done before light.

She had all the skills

to help dad in the stable.

Then went on in the house

to help mom set the table.

Like Barbara and Thelma

Doris, Ruthie and Bob,

Hard work made good character

And made the heart throb.

But she was much more

Than just business and chores

She lived for real peace

And never chose wars.

Don’t believe me, take a look. 

She’ll be posting it soon on facebook.

She’s quick, not slow as a turtle

Check out how she wins playing Wordle.

But, back up the years

When she started first grade

In a pretty little dress 

and her hair in a braid.

At first she knew no one

at this local school

But she learned to how to read

And to follow the rule.

Then in spring came a cousin

Into Miss Gish’s room

This added some friendship

We have to assume

But this little cousin

By name of Glenn Mark

His first day at Leola

Was tragic, not a lark.

When the school bell did ring

And the kids went bye-bye

Little Glenn missed his bus

And he started to cry.

You’ve probably never seen

A poor child in such fear,

But Lois saw his trauma

and held him very near.

Such acts of care, of mercy

Is how she always lives

The world’s a better place

Because of how she gives.

Some years have passed

Since that touching first grade tale

But Lois has only grown

With grace we see her prevail.

When time for college,

she wanted the best

She packed up her car 

and headed out west

Her faith guided her 

to the very best one,

She never stopped driving 

till she got to Hesston.

If you’re friends with Lois

Permit me to tip you off:

Treat this beauty like a princess

Afterall, her mother is a Groff.

We’re Groffs, neighbors, cousins,

We love our family.

We pause to give tribute

To Mothers, Elva and Elsie.

Our two mothers were sisters

The Kinzer angels did guard,

Now both lie in rest eternal 

In Stumptown’s graveyard.

But we, heirs of their faith,

The Lehman and Martin clans,

Now sing “happy birthday Lois,”

As in joy we hold hands.

–Glenn Lehman

Friday, April 28, 2023

Garden ready

 Wes Groff rototilled my garden . The fee was $45. I tipped him $5. Freedom begins at the end of a hoe. Your freedom ends at the end of mine. What is this power discourse?

A garden gives all the freedom I want.