Wednesday, September 25, 2013

putting the puzzle pieces back

Today the crew of two is putting the trim back on the windows, upstairs and down.  Set up next to our freezer and washer and dryer is an air pressure pump to power the air nailers.  Set up outside are the saws.  The biggest task was to bring the window frames out a half inch to be flush with the new walls.

Friday, September 13, 2013

insulation goes in next

It looks like ground up newspapers to me, but I'm told it is cellulose.  Anyway, it insulates and saves energy.  The room almost looks pretty after what it's been through.  Ready for drywall.

Monday, September 9, 2013

gutting the back room

The remodeling continues.  The back upstairs room (Sarah's room) had compromised or totally missing insulation and drywall joints damaged by the tiny local earthquake several years ago.  So the thin paneling goes out the window and we wait for the insulation guy who blows it in.  Then drywall covers it all up.  Now I have to rent a trailer and take this junk to waste management.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Seventy-five minutes away, in the Wayne-St. David, Pa., area, we spent three hours strolling around Chanticleer. (scroll down on the link and see the rooster we stumbled upon).  There are themes of water and art imitating nature.  One pedestrian bridge is made in the form of a fallen tree.  Bees and butterflies had long ago found this sanctuary, which a London newspaper describes as "planted to perfection."