Thursday, July 19, 2012

west side upgrades

We live on West Eby Road, the west side of Monterey.  I like to think of it as the cultural hub of our town, boasting a school and a chapel, both currently being upgraded--the school with a new stucco siding and the chapel with new pews.  The old pews, ones I sat on a few times over the years, are loaded on a U-haul for a new church home in the Poconos.  Monterey gets new ones made in New Holland, in sections easy to rearrange, but more permanent than chairs.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

dry days

The newly planted sweet potato plants in our rented lot are getting the soaker hose this season of dry and 90-degree days.

Friday, July 13, 2012

then put in windows and siding

schoolhouse facelift

Across the road where I've attended many Christmas programs, the schoolhouse is getting stuccoed.  The aluminum siding was removed.  It ought to dry well in our 90-degree days.  Inside, while I didn't ask, I doubt if the curriculum is undergoing any overhaul.