Friday, December 30, 2011

defy gravity

If you check real quick, the New Yorker might still have this on their site. Go to the bottom of the page, Quantum Levitation.

Three reasons it caught my eye. One, music appears to defy gravity, too. Two, home town makes the big apple site. And, three, one of the credits at the end of the clip shares my last name.

Monday, December 12, 2011

first Christmas gift

At work, I got my first gift of the season, along with each of the other staff members. Thanks for reusing nice Nescafe bottles, for a home-grown, hand-made treat. Here's how fast mine went in one day.

Friday, December 9, 2011

moon over lights

Our village has a lavish display of lights this year, at the edge, just over the goat path. Tonight the moon is 100 percent full. So...I tried to capture the effect. I didn't know I moved the camera once. The goof turns out best--my little thought for the day. The tall post is to capture Santa's attention as he passes overhead.