Tuesday, July 12, 2011

corn is high

It rained and the corn jumped up, as locals say. Pipeline workers entered the fields of 11-foot stalks to do maintenance on the station behind our house.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


An owner of a sub shop renamed his sandwiches on Menno themes. Most buses were lavishly painted with ads.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

baby quilt

During the cookout, Joel and Steph presented a quilt for Sarah and Ryan's baby soon to come.

church convention in Pittsburgh-1

We spent last Wednesday and Thursday in the vast Lawrence convention center in Pittsburgh, enjoying the people, street scenes, and urban density.

cookout on the 4th

On the 4th I tried out my new open fire grill, using the fire wood from the wild cherry tree felled by a storm two years ago. See the results on the cutting board. And see the first local corn of the season along with the other treats in the backyard. After nighfall, we blew off some legal sparklies. The next morning I picked up the trash.