Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Della dogwood blooms

I thought there was a song about poppies. If you are feeling romantic, check out:

But the big news is that the Della dogwood, named in honor of Dorcas's mother, planted after her passing, is in flower for the first time. My links not working, so here's a song about dogwoods:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

field trip

"Field trip" took on a new meaning when the fire/rescue truck arrived for a demo. The field in this case was just across the lane from the school. Head attire required for both settings. And, see the team of Belgiums, top right?

Monday, May 2, 2011

seeds and speeds

I'm not late. My blog server failed. Here's the end of April stuff.

While a small island country watched a prince get married, my brother turned 75 and invited me to have lunch with this group. Easter gathered the larger family together at my sister's retirement community dining hall. She treated. Thanks, Evie. And I did the annual rototilling of the garden.