Wednesday, January 26, 2011

edge of town

Going north on a snowy day, you see the last building in Monterey, stripped down to its stick frame. Some cultures build round like nests. We do squares and rectangles. Looks like electricity thinks in right angles, too.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I love numbers. Look what we have today! We could string this out farther at 11:11 o'clock. Just for the fun of it. I mean, when is the next time? Like in a hundred years? Jan. 11, 2111?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

honoring Evie's gift

The Lehman Foundation this year turns 35 years old. At Christmas Evie gave $300 to the philanthropic enterprise and pushed the fund over the $7,000.00 mark. My two brothers and I signed a thank-you card and presented it to Evie. Our combined contributions to the Foundation rarely amounted to more than one hundred dollars a year. Contributions to nonprofit causes always came from the earnings and much of the earnings were transferred to the capital base. So we saw our contributions double and earn enough to make grants annually.