Monday, October 26, 2009

Westminster singing

Yesterday Westminster Choir performed the Brahms Requiem in this basilica in Newark, N. J. Basilica means church. I sang this piece, too, at Westminster about 1974. The program notes state that the first performance in Vienna in 1867 became a shouting match of boos and cheers. That kind of public input makes me think of the Beatles coming out with "Lonely Hearts Club" in 1967. Some people wanted them to stay with the simple love songs they started with. Anyway, this building looks like it's here to stay. There's reason to love it and reason to question it serving as a location for worship. The acoustics were great and I loved it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

birthday and job change

Over the weekend we added boards to the table, cooked up some stew and paused for Ryan's 29th birthday, replete with ceremony; and we gave Sarah the floor to talk about ending a 6.5 year tenure at Ephrata Hospital and starting a new job at Lancaster's big hospital. They together told us about their imminent trip to Kalona for a wedding. Dogmeister Brutus tries to hold up and be brave and share the stage with le Montreal coq we bought this summer. (Cake pic by Joel; Sarah pic by Stephanie)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Monterey central

You can stand in the middle of our fair village and turn a 360 degree.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sold the Garelli moped today. Bought by a local tech school student. Manufactured in Italy in 1980, it was sold to me by Elton Moshier for $325 in 2002. I sold it for $50. As is. Rear tire flat, rear brake out, headlight out, but the horn beeps and it runs. A green machine.

Friday, October 2, 2009

harvest by the wheelbarrow

Neck pumpkins just harvested from Joel and Stephanie's patch. From three original plants, here's about three-quarters of the total. From garden to wheelbarrow to kitchen to pie to oven to stomach. You know what makes America helpful to the world? Here's one thing that started here.