Thursday, July 31, 2008

farmhouse wifi

Vacation Thursday. Awoke this morning to steady, soft rain. A feeeling of peace, repose, refreshment, and well-being washes over all.

We have Kentucy hill country wifi from the farmhouse office of this retreat house. The google weather says rain all day for New Haven, Kent. That's okay with us. Just read. Do nothing. Watch birds. Enjoy each other's company.

Yesterday, besides a heavy walking schedule, was visiting an artist's studio on the campus of a catholic retirement home and clinic. She specializes in wildly misshapen tree parts that she turns into abstract images.

This morning was going to be the childhood home of Abe Lincoln. But we're just making it up as we go.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Victorian wifi

Day one of vacation. It's 8:16 p.m. We're in Riverside Bed and Breakfast in Buckhannon, Kentucky. We put on 324 miles from Monterey to here. First stop at S. Clyde Weaver's to stock up the ice chest in the Mazda trunk. Then gassed up in La Vale, Maryland for $3.69/gal.

Then ate S. Clyde wraps at a little lake down the road from Hilltop's very own Katie's; then a cone at Katie's. Arriving here at 3 p.m., then, a side tour of the Pritchard hollow tree where Buckhannon's first settlers lived for three years. The tree and park are sponsored by the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Then a two-mile walk along the Cheat River and supper at a local-color diner. My meatloaf came in two slabs each as thick as a skinny two-by-four. A local there saw our foreign license plate and asked what part of Pennyslvania? Lancaster. Do I know Gap? He drives there all the time to pick up Amish stuff.

The beds here look like the ornate monsters in the Casselman Inn. Very pleasant. The owner keeps a well-mannered Maltese in the house and a 15-year-old English Setter in the garage.

Mom's settled in for the evening reading and I'm going to join her. Can I dump pics on this laptop? I'll find out tomorrow.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

zig-zag web

Here's the spider that showed up today. Any arachnophiles able to identify it? That zig-zag web filler frightens me.

Dorcas and I are off tomorrow for a week's vacation in Kentucky, per last year. I'll do some posts along the way if I find wifi.

Monday, July 21, 2008

make hay today

On Saturday while I was seeking relief from the heat my neighbor was making hay behind our house. Six horses pull the baler and hay wagon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

picnic at Mascot

We're having several days in the low 90s. To accommodate the heat we had a Friday evening picnic with my brother, Milton, and his wife, Lois, at the Mascot Mill.
Behind us is the Mill Stream and a miniature bird sanctuary. We saw a kingfisher and a juvenile egret.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

weekend at ocean

Today we got back from our long weekend on Long Island at the Watson's beach house in Westhampton Beach, NY.

Here's the crew: our four in front. Seated left are Dorcas's two Hood College classmates--Candy with her daughter Tracey, and Paulette with husband Tom. Sorry about the closed eyes when the camera's timer went off.

The Atlantic Ocean begins just 200 or so yards behind this photo. We spent good time enjoying the surf and the people.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

another flower

And another flower opening yesterday.

Monday, July 7, 2008

a new flower

I could post about the men's chorus at Zion yesterday. I could mention the wonderful evening helping friends do a birthday at our house.

But, time for a photo. A new lilly opened up as July came.